- Defeat Final Bosses
- Personalize your vehicle
- Beat your friends
- Shoot against enemy spacxeships and asteroids
- Survive in the space
- More than 50 levels to discover
Which other reasons do you need for downloading this amazing space shooter?
- Kekalahan Bos Akhir
- Personalisasi kendaraan Anda
- Kocok teman Anda
- Tembak terhadap spacxeships musuh dan asteroid
- Bertahan di ruang
- Lebih dari 50 tingkat untuk menemukan
Yang alasan lain yang Anda butuhkan untuk men-download ruang penembak menakjubkan?
- Defeat Final Bosses
- Personalize your vehicle
- Beat your friends
- Shoot against enemy spacxeships and asteroids
- Survive in the space
- More than 50 levels to discover
Which other reasons do you need for downloading this amazing space shooter?